Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 2

Weight - 62.6 kg    (at least it went down!)

Bowl of oats, 2 fillet of fish, tomatoes

Same Mat exercises as yesterday.

no cardio.... aaarrrgh!

calf muscles and foot arch muscles very sore.

Must do two sessions of cardio tomorrow to compensate!

1 berocca, 5 herbal trim day, 2 herbal trim night, spongia

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 1

Monday 8th November

Weight    - 63 kg approx 139 pounds

Bust                          - 35.5 inches
Upper Abs                - 27.5
Waist                         - 28
Lower Abs / Hips      - 36
Butt                           - 40.5
Upper Thigh (R & L) - 23.5
Lower Thigh (R & L) - 23.5

(I feel like crying looking at these numbers. I remember about ten years ago, my wait was 24 inches! And when I was 17 I was 50 kg. Sob !  I have been told if I get down to 50 again I will look too haggard, so hence 54 kg should be ok)

Morning -
Warm up, standing abs, arms section from mat workout dvd
Bootcamp Sequence Days 1 - 10, 40 reps each
Dance Cardio dvd

Dance Cardio dvd

(I have made the mistake before of doing no cardio so i feel I'm getting toned but I still look flabby. So now I am trying to do cardio twice a day to really try and reduce the weight)

Bowl of oats and water, 3 bananas, roast chicken, tomato salad

1 Berocca, 4 Herbal Trim Day, 4 Herbal Trim Night, Aloe Vera, Spongia, Fucus Ves

Get to bed soon so can get up earlier tomorrow to do morning workout. took me 2 and a half hours to finish everything this morning! man oh man.... this is going to take discipline!

I will weigh myself every morning but I will measure myself every 10 days.

I think I am a bit clogged up inside at the moment (know what i mean? hehehe) so I'm hoping once that starts moving, can easily lose a few kilos there.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


So what is this blog about?

It is kind of selfish and self-indulgent. It's about my constant battle with self image and I am tired of it!

I want to take control of my body and get it looking the best I can be.

This has all been inspired by the Tracy Anderson Method and one woman who proved that if you just knuckle down and DO IT how it is supposed to be done, 2 - 3 hours a day you will look better than you even dreamed. That woman is Laura Stroud.
She is in America (I think) and eventhough we are miles apart, never met, I found her blog through the Tracy Anderson facebook fanpage and became a silent fan. Reading about her journey through self discovery and taking charge of her health.

And when I saw the final result photos and as she bravely shared her before photos, it brought tears to my eyes.

Why can't I do this? she did it... she looks fantastic! I'm 10 years younger, surely I can
do this too!
And as if it's a sign, the weight she started at is about the weight I am now.

I first found out about Tracy Anderson about 2 years ago. I noticed Gyneth Paltrow's legs looking super hot in super short skirts i had never seen her before in and wondered, what is she doing? how did she get to looking like that...

a bit of googling later and i found a name - Tracy Anderson.

I bought the dvd's. Did them on and off. but never achieved the full results. I have been for laser liposuction 3 times to help reduce my huge butt which I swear makes me look like a baby hippo and though it has helped reduce fat volume / mass, i still don't look the way I want.

I have been trying to get rid of my cellulite for 10 years. 

I have Tracy's latest book. I am working on 3 projects at the moment, 2 which require me to travel to rural areas where they are sometimes lucky to even have a supermarket. so the dieting part is going to be tricky for the sheer fact i won't be able to find the stuff needed!

But instead of waiting for January 1st to achieve a goal and start a new year resolution, i'm thinking, why not start now and achieve something by January 1st?

So I am strarting today, using Tracy Anderson as my guide, Laura Stroud as my inspiration and setting a goal for myself.

I want to be 54 kg approx 120 pounds by 1st January. 
With Tracy Anderson Method definition.

This journey will not be done by the book but if i don't have this blog, i will lose discipline like I always have in the past.

I have been told I look like a barbie doll... hence the name of this blog.

A bit of a chubby barbie at the moment but I am going to change that.

Another inspiration is that on a recent shopping outing with my husband he found an Herve Leger boutique.
He called me. "honey, you need to 
come and try on these dresses..."

I love Herve Leger dresses and they do 
look great, on a GREAT BODY!

I tried them on and two looked ok..... only ok.... not 'oh wow this is so super hot and i am willing to break my bank account for this'.... so we didn't buy one....

and my husband also loves women in stockings... 
that whole vintage look thing with suspenders, black lace... 
I'm sure you know what I mean. :) 

again, looks great on a GREAT BODY!

So, I also want to look like a barbie doll pin up girl in an Herve Leger 
dress with black lingerie and stockings!

 wow, the wish list is getting long isn't it!

I will be posting what I do along the way, what i'm eating, and the changes i'm seeing. I am a big fan of alternative therapies eg acupuncture, reflexology, massages, homeopathic medicine which I believe do have a place in a workout program like this.

I hope in some way maybe I can inspire you just like I have been inspired by women in their 40's who look a hundred times better than me!

So my journey begins!

Tonight I will post my weight and measurements, food and exercise....